a self-directed project exploring the notions of food, in terms of politics and identity


< cà phê > < của mẹ / là mẹ > 

a can of sữa đặc  
gently tilting over the side of a glass cup  

inviting a slight stream of sweetened,  
thickened condensed milk to slowly  
deposit a creamy layer at the base 


the only tool, a metal filter (phin) 
a heaping spoonful of coffee grounds 
distributed evenly into the body before 
the filter disk is gently placed on top 

an initial pass of (a little) hot water 

like a bud, the blooming of grounds  
awakens the fragrance and flavour 
some 20 seconds later,  
fill the rest of the vessel 

with an intentional slowness 
gravity takes over as the brew  


for about 08 to 10 minute(s) 


the clinking of a small spoon 
conducting a tiny symphony 
stirring and mixing the two parts 
to be poured over (crushed) ice 
